
- switched to a new guestbook hosting site cause 123guestbook closed :(
- maybe i should try to make one that's hosted in here directly later lol idk, i still need to finish the main stuff of this site

- changed the background of some pages to be darker (it didn't feel readable enough lol)
- revamped the about page (i wasnt big on the simple likes/dislikes, wanted to make it more like my spacehey page)
- I might add some more images or smth to that page as well it's feeling kinda word-heavy :(

- created the contact page

- created the "save" page
- updated music player to not start automatically
- added a little animation to the "save" page
- changed some background images (I may mess with this more)
- added animated and static versions of page favicon (i think the animated version only shows up in firefox but idk, i only tested with firefox and chrome)
- added a guestbook (check out the notebook in the home screen)!

- changed some css for the about & updates pages
- added info to the about page
- added some stamps & blinkies to the about page

- Steamlining (seperated css and navbars for my future convenience)
- Created about page
- Updated look of updates page

- Updates page added.
- Main page (mostly) finished.

- Website created.